Routine Services
our wellness and preventive care services
Roanoke Animal Hospital offers a wide range of veterinary services for our patients. Just a few of our wellness and preventive care services are listed below.
Keeping up with preventive care for your pet is the best way to keep your pet happy and healthy for life. For more information on these or other services, please call 540-343-8021.
Wellness Care
Preventive veterinary care is the cornerstone of keeping your pet their healthiest so that you and your pet can have more great years together. Since pets age more quickly than people do, it is critical to have regular physical examinations done to assess your pet’s health.
Changes in your pet’s health status can occur at any time and some symptoms may not be as obvious as others which is why we offer wellness testing called the ‘Early Detection Program‘.
The Early Detection Program is designed to help detect early or hidden diseases in your pet that may otherwise appear healthy through blood panels. In fact, most pets will innately hide signs of illness until the disease or condition becomes more severe as a part of their survival instinct. However, if a disease or condition can be identified before your pet begins to show symptoms, steps can be taken to help manage or correct the problem before permanent damage occurs.
When health problems are identified, a medical plan will be outlined to evaluate the problems in depth. If your pet appears to be healthy enough for routine preventive care, your veterinarian will discuss which immunizations are advised, as well as parasite prevention including heartworm disease, intestinal parasites, and ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, etc.).
Finally, your pet’s nutrition, diet, and exercise routines can be assessed and optimized to help your pet be in the best physical condition for its lifestyle and age.